In consideration of voluntary participation in Stream Team field projects (such as monitoring, educational workshops, clean-ups, storm drain marking, or tree planting), sponsored either individually or jointly, I am fully aware that the work associated with being a Stream Team volunteer involves certain risks of physical injury or death. Being fully informed as to these risks and in consideration of my being allowed to participate in the Volunteer Program, I hereby assume all risk of injury, damage and harm to myself arising from such activities or use of sponsoring jurisdiction(s) facilities. I also hereby individually and on behalf of my heirs, executors and assignees, release and hold harmless the sponsoring jurisdiction(s), its officials, employees, volunteers and agents and waive any right of recovery that I might have to bring a claim or lawsuit against them for any personal injury, death or other consequences occurring to me arising out of my volunteer activities, except for those caused by the sole negligence of the sponsoring jurisdiction. I understand that I will be volunteering my time to work on these projects and therefore will not be compensated monetarily or otherwise by the Lewis County Stream Team.