Lewis County Stream Team
Stream Team exists to foster a culture of environmental stewardship throughout Lewis County through community education, citizen science and hands-on restoration projects with a special focus on stream health for salmon recovery. Join our email list below to be notified about upcoming events!

How should I prepare for a work party?
Fill out our waiver and email it to maddie.wilcox@lewiscdwa.com, or, be prepared to fill it out in person.
Wear clothes you can get dirty and be prepared for the elements! In the colder months, rubber boots, warm layers and raingear is a good idea, while in the summer you might want to bring a sun hat, sunscreen and long, light layers.
Bring gloves and applicable tools if you have them! We will have gloves and tools as well, but it's always nice to have a surplus.
Stay fueled and hydrated! We will have water and an assortment of snacks on hand, but it's always best to start with a full belly.
We are grateful to be supported by...

Bob and Susan